Frequently asked Questions

+ What are the opening times?

These vary depending on the time of year, so please do look at the time slots available on the website.

+ Where can I find your Terms & Conditions?

A link to our Terms & Conditions can be found here.

+ Do I need to book in advance?

Yes, you need to have booked with us on our online booking system. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we are operating with reduced availability to enable easier social distancing.

+ What are the age and medical restrictions?

Certain experiences provided by us are subject to a minimum age, health or other requirements. It is the purchaser’s responsibility to check that the restrictions are met. Once you have confirmed a booking you are not eligible for a refund if you are forced to cancel because the minimum requirements are not met. Details of restrictions and requirements are below. Please read them carefully.

+ Can I bring spectators?

Spectators are welcome at all times.

+ What should I wear?

Long hair should be tied back. Scarves are not permitted, and skirts are not recommended.

+ Is there somewhere I can keep my belongings?

You can leave your things in the reception area, but your car is not far away from the Activities so it is best to leave things there if you can.

+ What time should I arrive?

Customers must arrive at least 15 minutes prior to activity times.

+ Should I bring anything with me?

We ask all customers who have pre-booked to bring their confirmation email. This is emailed to you after making the booking. Alternatively, this can be shown on a device ie a mobile phone. If you do not receive a booking confirmation email please call us on 01547530447.

+ What happens in bad weather?

Great Escape Team Building Ltd reserves the right to make operational changes at any time which are considered necessary for safety or operational matters. For safety reasons, we may introduce amendments to weight restrictions or even site closure.

+ Can I fly my drone?

Under no circumstances can you fly a drone on our site.

+ Can I get any food or drink on site?

There is a range of “grab and go” food as well as hot and cold drinks that you can enjoy while on site, for example while using our picnic benches or on your journey home.

+ Why haven’t I received my booking confirmation?

If you have placed an order with us or purchased a gift voucher, but have not had your email confirmation through, please be sure to check your Junk/Spam folders.

+ Covid 19 – I have been in contact with someone who has Covid 19 or I have symptoms of Covid 19, can I still visit?

If this is the case or you have been advised to self-isolate please contact us and we will be happy to reschedule your booking for another date, free of charge.